Noko Time Tracking


Top 5 Ways to Curtail Your Email Addiction

NOTE: If you’re literally addicted to email, please seek professional help. But if you’re simply under-motivated to scale back your usage, try these tips.

5 Turn your "inbox" into a "zenbox." Delete spam. Archive old messages. Unsubscribe from newsletters that you never, ever read. (Tip: Search your inbox for the word "unsubscribe"!) Scrub and cleanse your inbox, and it’ll be less overwhelming when important messages come flying your way.

4 Use Noko’s Timer feature to time your client work, by the second. It's amazing how much easier it is to focus when you can see time slipping away!

3 Straight-up block your favorite distractions for a period of time. For Mac, you can use Focus to block specific sites for up to 2 hours at a time; or use FocalFilter for Windows. to kick yourself off the ‘net.

2 Set specific points throughout the day for email checking (EX: 12 pm and 3 pm). Allot yourself 15 to 30 minutes at each check-point. And then...GET OUTTA THERE! (Tip: Don't open an email, read it, then do the work. Instead, process all your emails, write down what needs to be done, and tackle that after you've left your inbox.

1 If you’re engaged in an intense project, and REALLY need to focus, consider creating an auto-responder that lets people know that you’re limiting your email checking to 3 times a day, and that you’ll respond within 72 hours, or as soon as reasonably possible. Here's how to set one up in Gmail.

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