Noko Time Tracking


Top 5 Daily

Self-Promotion Rules for Freelancers

Do amazing work. The strongest way to "promote" your work — is to get to work! Be prolific, punctual and high-impact. Your clients will talk about you behind your back (in a good way).

Be social. Update your Facebook status & Twitter feed regularly — but don't fall down the social networking rabbit-hole! Aim for 15 minutes a day (about 3 updates).

Be (strategically) transparent. Working on a really intriguing project, or creating an exceptional product? Talk about it! On your blog, on the phone, in your newsletters, during interviews — confidentiality agreements permitting, of course

Make connections (for other folks). Making solid referrals and gracious introductions for clients & colleagues casts you in a radiant light, and elevates your standing in the entrepreneurial community.

Get outside. Make an effort to get offline and into the "real world" at least once a day. Pin up flyers & business cards at coffee shops. Shake hands. Exchange digits. Smile.

Download the daily self-promotion worksheet!

The Bottom Line

Self-promotion isn't about taking two days a month to market yourself, it's about little actions you do every day. They add up.

    At Noko Time Tracking, we believe that everyone wins when freelancers promote themselves properly. So for Freelancember, we've lined up lots of great gifts to help you do it! Keep checking back.
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